A typical Malaysian interior architecture student, who is still finding for her niche and pursuing her dreams in the design world. This diary tracks her works & inspiration. Sharing is caring =)

Thursday, 8 May 2014


These are my presentation boards for the Zombie Apocalypse Shelter design project. I have produced 7  A2 boards in total. With the lecturer's advise, I put all my design sketches and compose them individually in all the boards and print them out. Lastly will be the rendering part. I used a combination of color pencils and markers. Overall, it was a satisfying work. The presentation was good. It was an honor to deal with 4 eminent graduated seniors on that day. Thankfully, they liked both my work and presentation. Gave myself a pat on my back. Just told myself that I need to work harder to improve my skills. ^^

All neatly composed

Sample board


For this exercise, I need to produce 6 different perspectives for my Zombie Apocalypse Shelter design presentation board so that I do not need to redraw again when it comes to composition of the boards. It took me the whole day to produce this one piece cuz I'm still struggling to find the perspective points and strokes (I'm no good at perspectives). And finally... ^^''

 Draw perspectives using pencil.

Trace them back in tracing paper.


Another rendering og the plan & section drawing. No idea why I gave a Japanese name for this. Just a sudden thought, limited time. So, yeah. Almost wanted to render everything, (gone too deep into rendering I guess =P) & luckily got out of it safely. Manage to leave the furniture un-rendered except for the kitchen part (If u don't notice that then just ignore this sentence). Lol


From the floor plan itself,(refer to here if you have forgotten) http://illindesigndiary.blogspot.com/2014/04/exploded-view.html I have drawn the perspective of the interior space. Just a quick 20 minutes render as I had other assignments to be rushed and here's the result. Simple and clean. Lecturer insisted to fill in the empty gaps. >_<''