A typical Malaysian interior architecture student, who is still finding for her niche and pursuing her dreams in the design world. This diary tracks her works & inspiration. Sharing is caring =)

Thursday, 8 May 2014


These are my presentation boards for the Zombie Apocalypse Shelter design project. I have produced 7  A2 boards in total. With the lecturer's advise, I put all my design sketches and compose them individually in all the boards and print them out. Lastly will be the rendering part. I used a combination of color pencils and markers. Overall, it was a satisfying work. The presentation was good. It was an honor to deal with 4 eminent graduated seniors on that day. Thankfully, they liked both my work and presentation. Gave myself a pat on my back. Just told myself that I need to work harder to improve my skills. ^^

All neatly composed

Sample board

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