A typical Malaysian interior architecture student, who is still finding for her niche and pursuing her dreams in the design world. This diary tracks her works & inspiration. Sharing is caring =)

Sunday 13 July 2014


Hello again. Sem breaks are over. Back to reality. More assignments. More stress. More fatigue. And so on.. Its the first day in class. I'm so NOT in the mood for everything but then again..all good things come to an end. So have to deal with it no matter what. I'm gonna skip all the babblering and pouting out nonsense and negative qi to you all. *be positive~clear throat* Today's class is about producing a quick sketch in about 30 min (i know 30 min is quite long for a quick sketch, normally one will done it in 10-15 min, lol).

Its a 30 min quick sketch sorta introduction about yourself and make people recognize you when they look at the sketch. You may include your characteristics, quotes, letters, interests, styles, hobbies, thumbnails, anything that represents YOU.

After thinking for quite a while, I produced a 15 min simple enough sketch which depicts myself holding a lotus flower. I used this method of sketching as it has been always a hobby of mine : drawing animes. I am fond of lotus flowers because they represent serenity and it calms me down everytime i look at them. You can say that I am a calm person (also depend on the situation lah of course).

The lecturer commented that this is not a sketch but a complete painting. It reveals the entire representation as a whole. Not quite meeting the requirements eh. Gotta pay more attention in class then.

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